Since my mom is feeling nagged over the "Monday Motivation" challenge I thought I'd boost her spirits by listing my top ten favorite things she cooks. Terry thinks that most of my "favorites" are disgusting so I usually only get them when I'm at her house. We like to tease her that she can make anything out of flour and water. She doesn't even add salt (though, that's my dad's fault). But I love her food and these are my favorites. Sorry about the lack of pictures but it's not something I've ever thought to photograph.
1) Chinese Noodles
These are first thing on the list because I just had them for dinner tonight! Terry actually likes chinese noodles so it's something I make to have around here too. All you do is throw spaghetti noodles, cream of chicken soup, hard boiled egg, chicken, soy sauce and green onion (if you want it) all together in a bowl. Super easy, nice on a cold day and very yummy!
2) Chocolate chip cookie....dough
I like it when she makes cookies too, but usually they turn out a bit flat. But there is nothing like eating just the dough all by itself. Especially when she rolls it up and freezes it so she can make more cookies later. It doesn't usually work though because we just eat all the dough first!
3) Chicken and dumplings or Turkey and dumplings
She swears this one is easy. I'm not so sure to be honest. But it is really delicious! Terry absolutely hates the texture of dumplings (any dumplings, not just these) so I don't ever make this at home.
4) Stuffed bell peppers
I hated these as a kid and I honestly can't remember the last time I had them, but they are good and I guess I should ask for them. (maybe I just did ask for them...) Another thing Terry won't eat.
5) No bake cookies
My sisters know how to make these, but as I seriously missed out on the cooking gene, I don't. My favorite is when they are super hot and just made. In fact they are best if they are so hot you can't even get them to form a cookie yet and you have to eat them out of a mug with a spoon. Oh so yummy!
6) Hawaiian Haystacks
This is another thing that Terry will eat. All it is is rice, chow mein noodles, chicken, egg, pineapple, and either sweet and sour sauce or chicken gravy. I like to put soy sauce on mine too. I think the pineapple is my favorite part. And I'm partial to the sweet and sour too.
7) Rice crispy treats
I love these, but only the home made kind. I can't stand the store bought ones. They are super tasty and I love the memories of helping my mom make them.
8) Green beans
Ok, so she doesn't cook the green beans but she used to grow them at our house in Idaho. I love them so much and I am really sad that we have worked our way through the last jar. I liked them fresh too, but boy she canned a mean green bean! :)
9) Pancakes
I'm not so sure that the pancakes are what I like the most. But she almost always would make them into shapes for us. Our initials, animals (a bear for me!) or other miscellaneous shapes. So much fun! I also loved having the choice of syrup or powdered sugar. And since she makes her own maple syrup and it was always hot, it was even better!
10) Peanut butter and honey sandwiches
This one is for my dad. This is something that he makes (my mom makes it too, but still :)). My dad and I had beehives when I was a kid. It was our thing that we did. We'd suit up and take care of them all year, then have a friend extract the honey and then we'd sell it. It was so much fun and I loved getting to spend the time with my dad. And we always made peanut butter and honey sandwiches. It tasted even better knowing where that honey came from!