Monday, August 17, 2009

First day of kindergarten!

Today was Collin's first day of kindergarten! He was mildly excited, and seemed concerned that none of his friends from preschool were going to be there. But when we picked him up he had made a friend (though he can't remember his name) and was excitedly telling us about how to find the cafeteria, that he got to pick his own lunch (at least between the chicken nuggets and burritos- of which he chose burritos) and that they have strawberry milk! He likes the kindergarten playground and as a special treat for "just the first day" his teacher brought them all an Otter Pop. He was also proud to report that he didn't get sent to the principal's office "even once"! We must admit, we were happy to hear that too!

He didn't want to wake up!

Handsome boy all ready to go!

His school, it was built in 1927.

Waiting for the bell to ring.

Following his teacher into the school.

Waiting with Mommy.

Waiting with Daddy.

After school, waiting to be let out the gate when the bell rings.


  1. Go Collin! You looked so handsome on your first day of school! I am glad you had so much fun and already made a new friend. Tell Mommy I am soooo proud of her for taking pictures! I actually felt a little sad that I couldn't go take pictures too, but I'm a little weird like that. ;) I miss you buddy, and I'm so proud of you for being such a big boy! Have a great year in kinder and we'll see you at Christmas break!

  2. Oh, Collin, you are such a big boy! It almost makes grammy cry to see how big you are getting. But grammy's are like that! I was so happy to get to talk to you when you got home! It sounded like you had a super day! And I am so proud of you. Thanks Katie for the darling shots! I'm proud of you too! :0)

  3. I can't believe how fast he has grown. Pictures are great. Collin is such a handsome young man! Can't help but wonder if the "Kindergarten" which probably was a church originally may have been the church Collins great grandma and grandpa (N & CR) where married in back in 1945! Kinda cool that the first great-grand children where born Tuscon....the starting place of our family!

  4. It's hard to believe that he is old enough....huh Katie? But then, it is hard to believe that you are old enough to have a child that is old enough to start school! He sure looked handsome- looks a lot like his daddy! And Liam? What a DOLL!!! And KUDO'S to YOU Katie for updating your BLOG and taking PICTURES! HEEHEEHEE

  5. What a handsome young man Collin is! ((And I love the building the school is housed it... cool!))

  6. The building is great! The school he went to preschool at was also very old. But it was in fact built as a school, so it's not where N and CR got married. :)
